Wednesday 1 December 2010

Comenius visit in Denmark

In week 47, Sofus Franck School in Denmark got visit from our comenius friends. There were visitors from Belgium, England and Slovenia. In school they were shown around by other pupils, they attended our music performance and joined classes to see how we teach. They tried art classes, gymnastics, music and math, english and danish lessons aswell. In one class we used skype to talk with our class friends in Belgium. We have done syping before, but still it was funny, because their belgium teacher was here with us :-)
On Sofus Franck School we enjoyed having comenius on visit and we hope our guests enjoyed it just as much!


  1. For me it was great to see my pupils when I was with you. I was also very surprised how diffrent your teaching system is compared to ours.
    The pupils I met were all very nice.
    It was a great experience!

  2. It was very snowy and cold.
    But you gave us a warm feeling.
    Many thanks

  3. Everyone in Denmark worked very hard to make the visit the huge success it was.
    Thanks from the Lincoln group
