Tuesday 20 April 2010

These day´s we feel very sorry for Anja. She fell over a cable to a party and broke her collarbone. She is attending school, but we have to help her with things. She can´t carry, play computer or bend down for things she drops. The worst thing is, her confirmation is comming up in one week. :-(


  1. Dear Anja,
    Sorry to hear this. My niece Marie-Julie is having her confermation next Sunday and she feels so sorry for you. We hope you don't have a lot of pain! Recover soon!
    Ann and Belgian pupils

  2. Thirsday Anja is not at school today. She has a lot of pain. We will give her your greetings.
    Daniel and Caroline 8.B:)

  3. Hope you recover quickly Anja.
    Best wishes from England
